NEW GAMES & ACCESSORIES Published in * 2 / 2006 * All Wargames, Family Games, Magazines & Accessories reported as of 01-10-11 22:04 > > What you see here are games by their PUBLICATION DATE (YY/MM). < < > > This listing is NOT a catalog; many games shown here have since < < > > gone out of print & ceased to be available. Check our catalogs < < > > for actual availability. < < Fine Games, 2078 Madrona St., North Bend, OR 97459-2143 USA email: Web: Phone: 866-690-7879 10am-9pm -or- 541-756-4711 10am-9pm Publsr / Game Title & Edition (Mag#) Box Est Cash Release Date Part# (In-Stk) Specific Condition & Topic Notes Typ Wgt# PriceEA YY/mm Ordr Turnaround ------ -------------------------------- --- ---- ------- ------------ --------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMARILLO DESIGN GROUP (ADB) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTER SHEETS, 1" COLORED [BETA KIT] Fo 1.2 $14.00 In-Stk: 92109 480 blank 1" die cut counters, in 6 colors (80ea): yellow, red, blue, green, gray & white. Also includes a 24x37" double-side blank map w/ .75 & 1.33" hexes on either side. A pretty good deal! '06 COUNTER SHEETS, 1/2" COLORED [ALPHA Fo 1.2 $14.00 06/ 2 Stocked KIT] 1200 blank 1/2" die cut counters, in 6 colors: yellow, red, blue, Temp OoP/OoS green, gray & white. Also includes a 24x37" hex map double printed w/ .75" hexes on one side, 1.33" on the other. '06 STAR FLEET BATTLES: CAPTAIN'S LOG #32 Bk 0.8 $12.00 06/ 2 Special Order 112pgs of SFB fiction w/ some new scenarios, ships, many new rules & battle framework, etc. '06 STAR FLEET BATTLES: SPACE BATTLE MAPS Fo $21.00 06/ 2 Special Order Full sized, 8-panel, 22x34" double-sided mapboard with full color space views (via the Hubble telescope) with 1.25" hexes on one side & .625" hexes on the other. '06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMIGO GAMES (Amigo) URL: - none - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRIGUE SB $15.00 06/ 2 Special Order Card game of bribery, bluffing & betrayal. You must try to place unemployed scholars among other players by hook or crook, earning a profit for doing so. '06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BSO GAMES (BSO) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BITTER VICTORY n 0.5 $22.00 In-Stk: 74534 Simpler game of the Allied invasion of Sicily in 1943 that is fast & fun. Unit strength translates to the number of dice rolled for combat (ala the Block Game System). Also provides an optional resource 20-card deck that allows players to perform a limited number of actions among the many options they have, such as rallyng units, or using armored abilities, getting supplies, etc. 224 Counters must be mounted & cut apart. 3.5mi/hex, 2day/turn, btln/rgt level. Well done map on 4 11x17 heavy stock panels. R.Berg'06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASH OF ARMS (CofA) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND AT SEA: BALTIC ARENA KIT Bk 0.8 $26.00 In-Stk: 93685 Add-on rules & 13 scenarios covering the forgotten sea of WW2, the Baltic. Includes articles on the Finnish navy, Soviet subs, coastal artillery, plus updated mine rules. Includes 128pgs w/ 13 scenarios covering a variety of engagement types, and each with its own map. '06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPASS GAMES (Compas) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SILENT WAR BC 1.8 $59.00 In-Stk: 90966 Large & detailed solitaire game of the US's submarine war against Japan in WW2. Many scenarios of various specific engagements & speific sub's patrols, and also campaigns of varying length. Single patrols can be gamed in 10 minutes. Rules cover American torpedo evolution, Ultra, repair & readiness, war progression, Japanese battleship doctrine, 2 player rules, etc. 5 counter sheets, 1 map. B.Miller'06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMSTAR MEDIA (ComSta) URL: - none - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMBAT! MILITARY ACTION GAME Bk $19.00 06/ 2 Special Order Role playing game using the Action! game system that allows players 2-6wks Turnarnd to create roles at any level, from private to joint chief of military, commando to tank driver. Rules cover both individual and mass combat, so you can command either small or large units, even wage a global war. '06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRITICAL HIT (Cri) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATS: BERLIN-RED VICTORY BC* 3.0 $95.00 In-Stk: 92112 Large, detailed game of the battle for the heart of Berlin, May 1945, using the Adv Tobruk game system. 50yd/hex, individ AFVs, squad level, 2 historical maps, & 1000 counters covering all those massive tanks used at the end of the war. Will link to a later kit covering the area of Hitler's bunker. '06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DINNER PARTY GAMES (Dinner) URL: - none - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HONKY TONK HOMICIDE ROLE PLAYING GAME SC 1.6 $19.00 In-Stk: 77415 A LARP (live action role playing) game of an investigation of a murder that occurred during Karaoke Night at Bubba's Bar in a small Texas town. Discover the dirty secrets, double lives, affairs and alien abduction claims hidden in the community. Plays in 2-3 hours, for 8-10 players; just add real BBQ for a memorable party. '06 MURDER AT MARDI GRAS BC $24.00 06/ 2 Special Order A LARP (live action role playing) game of an investigation of a 2-6wks Turnarnd murder that occurred during Mardi Gras masquarde ball. The King of the Krew is murdered; discover who did it. Plays in 2-3 hours, for 8-10 players. '06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDUCATIONAL INSIGHTS INC. (EDI) URL: - none - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLOKUS 2ND SB $21.00 06/ 2 Special Order 2003 Game of the Year in Europe. Interactive family game using logical & spatial perception to aid game play. '06 BLOKUS, TRAVEL VERSION SB 1.0 $17.50 06/ 2 Special Order Portable, travel-sized edition of this popular Euro import of logic & spatial perception. '06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FANTASY FLIGHT GAMES (FFG) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRITANNIA, 3RD FB* 4.8 $37.00 In-Stk: 86521 Revision of AH's HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, simple, FUN 3-5 player game of ethnic migration & conflict in Britain between 43-1066AD. Primary change is a massive graphic overhaul. Inspired later Maharaji game. L.Pulsipher'05 FURY OF DRACULA 2ND FB* 3.6 $44.00 06/ 2 Special Order Revision of Games Workshop game of a 2-4 player hunt for Dracula. 1-3 players hunt Dracula around Europe, while Drac himself moves secretly, creating the undead and setting traps. '06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLYING BUFFALO (FlyBuf) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUCLEAR ESCALATION 3RD HC 1.0 $21.00 06/ 2 Special Order Revision w/ digitized, more vibrant artwork on the card faces. Stand-alone game that mates nicesly w/ Nuclear War. Adds sneaky spys, space platforms, new missiles & defenses. Includes glow-in-dark Nuclear Malfunction die. Won HG Wells award for Best SciFi Game in '83. '06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITALERI SPA (Italer) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GETTYSBURG FB $26.00 06/ 2 Special Order Miniatures oriented board game of Gettysburg. '06 2-6wks Turnarnd KURSK, BATTLE OF... BC $35.00 06/ 2 Special Order Miniatures-oriented board game of the battle of Kursk using a simple, taple top system. '06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KOPLOW GAMES (KOP) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORD RALLY GAME SC $2.00 06/ 2 Special Order Simple, small, fast paced game of rolling a cube and writing as many words as you can spell using the 9 letter dice inside the cube. '06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-MAN PUBLISHING, (MMP) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASL:BEYOND VALOR 3RD DC* 4.0 $94.00 In-Stk: 93726 Revised & upgraded first Module for the ASL system. Includes German, Finn & Soviet counters, 10 maps (#1-5,8,20-23), 13 countersheets & 24 scenarios (10 from earlier editions & 14 published in prior ASL Annuals). Stripped of Red Barricades material included in earlier editions. '06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MONGOOSE PUBLISHING (Mongoo) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARANOIA XP: CRIMINAL HISTORIES HC $11.00 06/ 2 Special Order Expansion kit for the venerable Paranoia game. Provides an adventure campaign for the security clearance challenged. '06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERRY MOORE (Moore) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DVINA RIVER OFFENSIVE, AUGUST 1919 Fo 0.4 $21.00 In-Stk: 74370 DTP game of the British attack on Red Russian forces in Aug.1919 during the Russian Civil War. Includes operational level ground combat, naval action with monitors & gunboats, and air combat. Two shores of the Dvina river split the battle into two separate, unsupporting areas. Brits have powerful gunboats but a low river level limits their use. The Brits have bombers, but the Reds have a few good fighters. Ground forces are a mixed bag. 750yd/hex. 280 counters that must be mounted & cut apart; 2 11x17 maps. P.Moore'06 SONDERKOMANDOJUNCK 1941 Fo 0.2 $15.00 In-Stk: 86249 Small, DTP game of an obscure but interesting situation. The Brits have violated a treaty by entering Arab-controlled Iraq; the Arabs in power regard this as an act of war & invite the Germans to come visit. The Italians & Germans send small air detachments & could have sent more. Play proceeds with players planning their turn & commitments, then simultaneously acting on them. P.Moore'06 SS ABYSS, HUNGARY 1945 Fo 0.3 $17.50 In-Stk: 86243 Game of the final TWO German offensives in the east. First is the attempt by the remains of the 6th Panzer Army to relieve Budapest and then protect the Hungarian oil fields in Jan'45. A second German offensive in Spring'45 saw a refit 6th SS Pzr Army (now with 80k troops & 300 tanks including lots of Pzr V & VI) attack alert & dug in Soviets. Includes 2 11x17 maps, 280 counters that must be mounted & cut apart. P.Moore'06 TANK ACTIONS IN THE RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR Fo 0.4 $15.00 In-Stk: 74374 Lo-scale tactical game focused on tank actions between the British & French armed, supported & guided White Russian armies & those of the Soviet Reds. Includes 9 scenarios of the Russian 1st Tank division, and the battle for Tsaritsyn. 280 counters that must be mounted & cut apart. P.Moore'05 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLAYROOM ENTERTAINMENT (Playro) URL: - none - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KILLER BUNNIES: BLANK CARDS SET 1 n 0.2 $5.00 06/ 2 Special Order Add-on kit of 8 blank cards, plus 2 Psi-cards. '06 Temp OoP/OoS KILLER BUNNIES: BLANK CARDS SET 2 n 0.2 $5.00 06/ 2 Special Order Add-on kit of 8 blank cards, plus 2 Psi-cards. '06 Temp OoP/OoS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUEST FOR DRAGON LORDS (QuestD) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUEST FOR THE DRAGON LORDS 2ND LB* 4.2 $47.00 06/ 2 Special Order Completely revised w/ new board, cards, quest system, rules. Large, colorful, 2-4 player game of fantasy adventure & combat in a fictional world. Colorful, nicely produced game of conquest. R.Johannessen'06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RIO GRANDE GAMES (Rio) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AQUA ROMANO LB* $46.00 06/ 2 Special Order 2-4 players compete to build ancient Rome's acquaduct system to supply water to Rome. M.Schlegel'06 BIG MANITOU SB $14.00 06/ 2 Special Order 2-4 player card game in which players go on hunts to "collect" buffalos & other game by allocating hunters better than other players. '06 GRACIAS SB $14.00 06/ 2 Special Order 3-6 player card game in which players gain points by collecting cards in 6 colors, avoiding having the most of any one color. A.Moon'06 TIMBUKTU LB* $45.00 06/ 2 Special Order 3-5 player game of dangerous caravan travel to remote Timbuktu to convert your salt, coffee, gold, pepper & water for riches. D.Henn'06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEVE JACKSON GAMES (SJG) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GURPS 4TH BASIC SET, CAMPAIGNS BC $25.00 06/ 2 Special Order 4th ed set combining material from GURPS Basic Ed. 3rd and Compendium I, plus lots of new & updated rules. Provides extensive rules for running a RPG campaign. Hardcover. '06 GURPS 4TH BASIC SET, CHARACTERS BC $29.00 06/ 2 Special Order 4th ed set combining material from GURPS Basic Ed. 3rd and Compendium I, plus lots of new & updated rules. 336pg hardcover. '06 GURPS 4TH TRAVELLER INTERSTELLER WARS Bk 2.2 $28.00 06/ 2 Special Order Gurps 4th supplement. Covers the 200 years of war during the transition between the First Imperium and the Teran Confederation as the latter expands from a single planet to a sprawling empire. 240pgs, hardcover. '06 MUNCHKIN CARD GAME: NEED FOR STEED KIT HP 0.5 $12.50 In-Stk: 74927 Add-on kit w/ 112 cards, including new race, classes, tools & weapons. Oh, and monsters including a dragon, a tiger, and a Giant Mutant Gerbil, a chicken, and Big Joe. '06 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WINNING MOVES (WMI) URL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MILLE BORNES AUTO RACING CARD GAME, 4TH FB $17.00 06/ 2 Special Order Reprint of this simple, very fun game of auto racing, now in a metal tin. Quick playing card game of card racing & suitable to all ages. '06 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 38 Games Listed Here; IM_NuPn2 Report: Newly Released Games. (c) Fine Games 2011