Fine Games' Privacy Policy
Fine Games respects your desire keep your confidential information confidential.
To that end, we sincerely promise to respect your privacy. We ask for only that information that we believe we
need to provide excellent service, and we do not sell this information to others.
We collect a variety of information to fully identify you by name, home address, email address, and contact phone
number(s). Should you pay for an order by credit card, we also collect your credit card info, including billing
To better serve your unique interests, we may also record your gaming preferences (such as tactical level games,
WW2 era games, etc). And we may infer this same info by analyzing what you've purchased from us in the past.
Why Is This Information Needed?
Your contact info is vital at various times. Thus, we make a point of collecting all of it as soon as
possible and offer you opportunities to correct it with each emailed
Newsletter we send you. Information is need to (1) insure accurate delivery
information is included on any shipment to you; (2) protect all concerned
from fraud; (3) stay in touch when (not if) some part of your contact info
changes without notice to us.
Your phone #, for example, is included on mailing labels to insure problem-free delivery by UPS or other
carriers. Having your home address and phone # allows us to remain in contact with should you change jobs (and/or
email addresses) without notice. Your home (or billing) address is required by our credit card processor to
minimize fraud.
How Is Information We Collect Used?
We use the address information you provide to mail printed catalogs to you periodically. It is also used as your
default shipping and credit card billing address.
We use your phone #s to contact you when a question concerning an order you've placed needs a quick answer to
avoid delay. We include your phone # with UPS shipping labels so that UPS has no trouble delivering to you. We
also use your phone # to contact you directly if we do not have a valid email address for you.
Fine Games does not sell or trade any personally identifiable information to anyone. Ever.
Only were our business
sold would this information be transferred, and then so that any new owner could continue to provide
the same level of service to
Who Has Access to This Info?
None of your personal info is stored in a data base that is directly
exposed to the internet. We do not currently use a shopping cart, a fact that
has a beneficial effect of acting as a major barrier to "hacking."
We also use multiple hardware & software firewalls which are kept current
to protect our records and computers.
Only our proprietor has routine access to any aspect of your confidential information currently. Specific aspects
of the info we store may be conveyed as required by the normal course of doing business,
to employees, contractors or third parties, such as to process a
credit card charge or arrange a package shipment with a carrier.
In the future, less sensitive aspects of your info may be made available for you to review and update via a form
on the internet.
Minimal amounts of info, such as name and last known city, may be
publically displayed in hopes of regaining contact with you if all of your
contact info goes bad.
How Do We Deal With the "Paper Trail?"
All paperwork that contains customer information is shredded after each
business year. We actively take steps to minimize any risk of your personal information being used in ways
you would object to.